Services at Willow

For the past three decades, Chabad has hosted High Holiday Services at one of our local regional hotels. We take great pride not only in the large turnout but even more so, in the “mix” of Jewish families that are drawn to the services. This year, we will once again be holding services at the Sheraton Hotel in Agoura Hills.

To accommodate those from the Conifer Shul/Oak Park community who prefer a closer option, Chabad will also be holding auxiliary services at Willow Elementary School (29026 Laro, Agoura Hills) for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. You can opt to attend Rosh Hashanah at one location and Yom Kippur at the other.

This year, attendees will be able to view a map of the Sheraton Hotel Grand Ballroom or Willow online and select the seats of their choice in advance! Like the accessibility of the aisle? The view from the center? Obscurity of the back? Closer proximity to the Rabbi or Cantor? With our new "Select Your Own Seat" option, you get to pick your seat!

Reserve Seats »

Schedule of Services

Willow Elementary School - Agoura Hills


Rosh Hashanah Eve* Oct. 2 6:15 PM
First Day Oct. 3 10:00 AM
Tashlich Oct. 3 5:45 PM
Evening Services* Oct. 3 6:15 PM
Second Day Oct. 4 10:00 AM

*Services for evening services for both nights will take place at 5998 Conifer Street, Oak Park


Kol Nidrei Oct. 11 6:00 PM
Yom Kippur Oct. 12 9:30 AM
Yizkor Oct. 12 12:00 PM
Neilah Oct. 12 5:00 PM
Havdalah Oct. 12 7:01 PM
Chabad of the Conejo's

People in Need Campaign

Chabad of the Conejo’s “People in Need” programs provide assistance to those suffering various forms of financial and emotional distress, including food and shelter subsidies, assistance to Israeli refugees from border cities, interest-free loans and crisis counseling. Please be a partner in these deeds of kindness compassion that transcend all ethnic, racial and religious lines. 

Shabbat Candle Lighting Time

Shabbat Candle Lighting Time

Agoura Hills, CA 91301